I think when somebody is in the edge of changing himself, there is a force that
prevent him from stepping on the final step, the last plunge.
That force is fear.
That fear tells him that if he were to make that decision, all of what he stood for before would be useless, futile, and worse of all, wrong. That fear prevent him from making that final jump.
Though at the same time, he also was interested by the opportunity he saw in front of him, if, he were to decide to change. He can see the logic and the truth behind the new world he was about to jump into.
So there is fear, and there is hope.
Dan Kami telah menunjukkan kepadanya dua jalan..[90: 10]
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There is a certain situation where a person lost to fear. The final moment for decision-making draw him to a great mental conflict, and thus he withdraw, back to the comfort zone. Sitting there rather than to make that change in himself.
And also, there are situation where a person jump into that hope that he kindle in his heart. He is of those who will succeed. He overcome the fear and choose to grasp the bright hope.
And so we may wonder, what quality that the latter has which the former does not..?
It is faith.
Faith that he would be fine once he jumped
Faith that he wont be alone once he walks that step
Faith that he will receive help from those who had jumped earlier
And more importantly,
Faith that the change that he was about to do, is the right choice, a choice that he must do..
That faith will overcome the previous fear.
That faith will destroy the doubt
That faith will justify the comfort zone in which he has been sitting for a quite some time, being static, and halted from being what he should be, what he was born to be..
..sungguh beruntung orang yang menyucikan (jiwa itu).. Dan sungguh rugiorang yang mengotorinya. [91: 9-10]
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So..dearest adik, dearest abang, dearest friends..
Do you want to make a gamble.?
To make that jump..?
To take the words of those who lure you this new good path you are about to take..?
Take my hand,
Everything will be just fine..
Trust me..
If you wonder,
Why am i being so sure,
Why you should trust me..?
My answer is..
Because I trust Him..
He made some promises which I cling into
And I bet my worldly 21 years of life till this very moment
He wont break His promise..
I have faith in Him.. =)
Dan mereka yang bermujahadah kepada Kami, pasti kami akan menunjukkan mereka jalan Kami. [29: 69]
Dan ketika orang-orang mukmin melihat golongan-golongan (yang bersekutu) itu, mereka berkara, "inilah yang dijanjikan Allah dan RasulNya kepada kita." ...Dan BENARLAH Allah dan Rasulnya..Dan yang demikian itu menambah keimanan dan keislaman mereka. [33: 22]
By Azli
p/s: Tarbiah mungkin bukan segala-galanya, tapi segala-galanya bermula dengan tarbiah =)