Aku mahu ditarbiah dengan sebagaimana hak itu merupakah milikku
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan carilah jalan untuk mendekatkan diri kepadaNya, dan berjihadlah di jalanNya, agar kamu beruntung" (QS 5:35)
“Excitednyaa!!!.. x sabar!!. Bila la nak keluar next episode nih. Lamanya kena tunggu..”
“Fuih, preview je dah gempak. Confirm movie lagi power..cepat2 la keluar movie nih..”
“Waah bestnya game nih! X sabar tunggu sequel dia..!”
Alaa..cepat gila abes season nih..sepatutnya director nih buat drama nih lama sikit. Baru feel..
Aih..kejapnya movie nih..cepatnya abes..macam tergantung jee ending dia..haiyoh..
Lorh cepatnya habis game nih. X sempat nak menikmati, menghayati… Hmm..
*** **** *** ***
Movies..Series.. Game.. Exciting.. Exhilarating.. X tahan!
Tapi itu movie.. valuable sangat ke.. Rewarding sangat ke.. Bukan real pun. Those are not the real deal..
Ramadhan pula bagaimana..?
Bukan ke lagi real. Bukan ke lagi rewarding. No, its super rewarding.. and it is not cerekarama. Its real..
Wanna go for it..?
Theres still half of it. N the best part is yet to come..
Lets.. =)
“malam kemuliaan itu lebih baik dari seribu bulan..” [97: 3]
Dengan nama Allah, yang memiliki segala kunci al-Haq
I was sitting in front of the window, with the view of the weather which I defined as sunny, while reading textbook of medical physiology guyton and hall. And so I read and read until I came to a paragraph..:
When a segment of the intestinal tract is excited by distention and thereby initiates peristalsis, the contractile ring causing the peristalsis normally begins on the oral side of the distended segment and moves toward the distended segment……..The peristaltic reflex plus the anal direction of movement of the peristalsis is called the "law of gut'.
Hmm gut pun nak law jugak ke? (english translation: does gut also need some kinda law?)
Wait a minute..of course..and so I remembered other things…
Law of the Heart... (this is Frank-Starling. I think last month I read about this..)
Law of Automaticity..(yeap, I think last sem I read this. But CVS also mentioned about this one..)
Law of Gravity..(when did I 1st heard of this..not sure..but surely during primary school..)
Law of supply and demands (this one..in primary or secondary school..)
Usul 1 of usul Isyrin (..huhu..in jaulah UK I think..n yes..during usrah..)
Why am I blabbering about all of these law thingy..? Needless to say, everything in this world, every single object is by default, organized into certain systems.
System to be simply defined, is how things should work, how things should be operated or propagated. And to connect the above statement, every object in this world, from this gigantic planet of ours, to the tiny little cells of our heart, abide by certain laws or systems. Is this hypotethical? I think not. This is definite.
Hmm am I forgetting something..ah yes..what about us..?
*** *** *** ***
Everything on this earth, and I want to emphasize on we, the self-proclaimed exclusive best living creature on this earth, is also should be governed by some sort of law @ system.
Everything regarding human: the social structure, commerce, family institution, politics, education, judiciary should be operating, within a certain structured system.
And of course, human realized of its importance (to be organised and systematic). And so we can see, from the progress of history, mankind tried and developed such system. One example, aristotle's book Politic mentioned about kind of government, pros n cons of democracy and republic, aristocracy and oligarchy, monarchy and tyranny. Until now, there are many systems such as communism, capitalism etc.
System should be structured on the basis of its suitability with what it concerns for. Let say for eg. system of the heart, of course, it has to consider the nature of what it concerns for which is the myocardium. (my bad for the not the best analogy). And so as system of human living, human interteraction, as human is what is concerns for, such system must suit the human best.
So what suits human best?
Previously said, human invent certain system. People like John Hobbes, Marx and Engel who summed up their own idea of ideal system of human, did that so, based on their knowledge and perception of human behaviour and human nature. Communism came into being as it was thought to have the best economical system that match the nature of human regarding possessions of property. And also other man-made systems presently exist today, are within aspiration of the most suitable for human living.
*** *** *** ***
"And they ask you concerning the Ruh. Say: "The Ruh is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) gave been given only a little" [17: 85]
Human may discover its own nature, but never fully, never completely, never 100%. Human are not endowed to posses such ability. Human is endowed with the ability of thinking, independent will, conciousness, self awareness, and etc. Human are called to use that endowments in their life, but only in the subjects and areas they are permitted for it. There are certain areas that human must follow proper guidance from the Divine. As He knows us best. He is the one who created our fitrah. Fitrah (human nature in arabic) is there present in every human.
Based on this fact, God Himself set up complete guidelines for human. It may be in great detail regarding one part of human life, and it may be less detail in certain others. Howver, human are called to think, to match it with the present situation of the world (previously ancient, and presently modern), taking account to all of the guideline written by Him.
"So, set your face towards the deen as a Hanif (straigtly). Allah's Fitrah with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in Allah's creation. That is the straight deen, but most men know not. [30: 30]
“..And We have revealed the Book (the Qur'an) to you as an explanation of everything..” [16: 89]
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So, with what should I wrap this up..? huhu
Brothers and sisters, Islam is not only a religion, but it is a system. Islam is the deen (the way of life). Its teachings concerns everything.
InshaAllah, I would'nt give myself a single doubt of submitting myself to the full teaching of Islam. Why should I..? After all, he knows best of our fitrah right? =)
Masa penghayatanku di bawah bayangan al-Qur’an itu berakhir dengan satu keyakinan yang teguh dan tegas, iaitu dunia ini tidak akan mencapai kebaikan dan umat manusia tidak akan mencapai kerehatan, ketenteraman, ketinggian, keberkatan, kesucian dan keselarasan dengan undang-undang alam buana dan fitrah hidup yang suci melainkan dengan kembali kepada Allah.
[ Muqaddimah Fi Zilal Al-Quran - as-Syahid Sayyid Qutub]
27 April – 2 Jamadilawal
Sahabat, aku tersedar dan memahami sesuatu..aku menjumpainya di dalam Quran.. Kemudian aku melihat dan mengaitkannya dengan realiti di sekelilingku.. Aku ingin menceritakan kepada kamu.. Cerita tentang kita..
"Bukankah pernah datang kepada manusia, suatu ketika dari masa, yang ketika itu (manusia itu) belum merupakan sesuatu yang dapat disebut..?" [QS 76: 1]
"Dia menciptakan kamu dari diri yang satu (Adam)……Dia menjadikan kamu dalam perut ibumu kejadian demi kejadian (embryogenesis).." [QS 39: 6]
Sahabat, ya..aku dan engkau sebelum ini tidak pernah wujud, malah tidak disebutpun..Kemudian Dia telah menjadikan kita ini, kita
"Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah,nescaya kamu tidak akan mampu menghitungnya.." [14: 34]
"(Semua itu) untuk kesenanganmu dan untuk haiwan-haiwan ternakmu.." [80: 32]
Ya, dia telah menciptakan segala benda di bumi untuk kita gunakan..untuk kesenangan kita.. Sahabat, mahukah anda tahu untuk apa kesenangan itu bagi kita.?.
"Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia, melainkan agar mereka beribadah(menghambakan diri) kepadaKu." [51: 56]
"..Aku hendak menjadikan (manusia) khalifah di bumi.." [QS 2: 30]
Semua itu adalah supaya kita mampu memenuhi tuntutan wujudnya kita sebagai kita di dunia ini..supaya kita mampu memikul tugas hakiki yang di amanahkanNya..
Manusia itu sangat ingkar kepada tuhannya..tidak bersyukur terhadap pemberianNya.. Kesenangan digunakan tanpa menghiraukan haknya..Kenapa manusia itu selesa dengan dirinya apabila ia melakukan dosa..? Sedangkan manusia itu sudah mengetahui.. Apakah yang telah berjaya menipu manusia ini..?
يأَيُّهَا الإِنسَـنُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبّكَ الْكَرِيمِ
"WAHAI MANUSIA! Apakah yang telah memperdayakan engkau (berbuat durhaka) terhadap Tuhanmu yang Maha Pengasih??!"
الَّذِى خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّاكَ فَعَدَلَكَ
"..yang telah menciptakanmu, lalu menyempurnakan kejadianmu dan menjadikan (susunan tubuh)mu seimbang.." [QS 82: 6-7]
Mengapa manusia masih biadap terhadap Tuhan kita?
Mengapa manusia tidak merindukan Tuhan kita?
Mengapa manusia tidak mahu mengingati dia?
Mengapa manusia tidak menghambakan diri HANYA kepada dia?
Bukankah kita semua adalah dari Dia..?
Wahai manusia, janganlah kamu begitu..
Merelakan diri untuk menjadi manusia yang seperti itu..
Kerna aku juga seperti kamu, seorang manusia..
Yang tidak kurang berbanding kamu, punyai kelemahan dan cacat cela
Ingin aku mengajak kamu kepada satu hakikat..
Hakikat yang tidak akan luput oleh sempadan tempat, dan sempadan masa..
Marilah saudara memahami hakikat ini..
Jika dijiwai inshaAllah, akan kembali mengorientasi diri..
"Wahai manusia! Kamulah yang memerlukan Allah..Dan Allah, Dialah yang Maha Kaya, Maha Terpuji (tidak memerlukan apa-apa pun).." [QS 35: 15]
Mari kita susun kembali kehidupan kita.. =)
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertaqwalah kepada Allah..dan carilah jalan untuk mendekatkan diri kepadaNya, dan bermujahadah (berusaha sungguh-sungguh segenap kemampuan) di jalanNya..agar kamu BERUNTUNG." [QS 5: 35]
26 Mac – 29 Rabiulawal